There is something in the air. It hasn't fully blown through....but it has started....perhaps it won't ever end. That feeling that the King of kings is still up to something. He is still up to something wonderful, something fantastic.
I keep wondering when it will fully arrive.
I have seen His hand move in beautiful ways over the last 5 years since we started the Jacob's Well journey. We have watched God provide in big and small ways - $25.00-$1000.00 checks showing up when we needed them and were on the last coins in the bank, bills being forgiven, cars and clothes that lasted beyond their time, housing that suited our needs for shelter and hospitality, food showing up on our front porch when no one knew the cupboards were empty, and friends that said they would walk with us the whole way through church planting..........but there's something else coming.
He's at work, and I can't see His hand beyond this moment, but His movement is causing goosebumps in my heart.
Do you see their faces? The lifeless lack of heartbeat that's written on some of their foreheads. The champion of empty drained out purposes, the ruler of the dream stealers, the dark king of death thinks he is winning........but he is only flailing loudly because he knows the King is raising up bravehearts.....those that aren't afraid of bearing Kingly Light in the darkness. I am one of them, clothed with a robe that is written over with 'Daughter of the King'. I am being called to breathe out Kings-breath on them.
Do you feel it too? Without knowing the full scope of what's ahead, He's asking me to listen in closer. He's asking me to leave the shadows behind that I found so secure and guarded, and to step into the full Light of His strength, cast aside all fear, and speak peace, compassion, hope, and bravery to the millions of faces that walk past me every day. Of course, this is all within the perfect timing of His leading alone, which I continue to learn.....since we already talked about my instinctive, broken and quick ability to challenge everyone before the King even says to say anything. Patience friends.....I'm a grace-full work in progress.
Chris and I talked today about becoming mature - we concluded that too often we use the word "mature" as an end in itself, when instead it is a continuous state of becoming. No one is ever done maturing.....well, unless they choose to stop and just cycle in their current state of mind. In the Kingdom of the One who calls us toward constant release and deep hope, we won't ever stop growing.......unless we turn from His lead and choose to become stagnant......I don't want that...ever.
Psalm 51:10-17
10Create in me a clean heart, O God.
Renew a loyal spirit within me.
11Do not banish me from your presence,
and don’t take your Holy Spirit from me.
12Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and make me willing to obey you.
13Then I will teach your ways to rebels,
and they will return to you.
14Forgive me for shedding blood, O God who saves;
then I will joyfully sing of your forgiveness.
15Unseal my lips, O Lord,
that my mouth may praise you.
16You do not desire a sacrifice, or I would offer one.
You do not want a burnt offering.
17The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit.
You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God.
I have written of weakness and broken parts of my life and story. I am not without wounds....still. Warriors are not defined by the lack of their scars, but by the way the scars were healed. I know of only One that heals them from the inside out.....beautifully well. If the scars I carry define anything about me.....may it be that I ran as quickly as my bloodied knees and bruised hands could take me straight to the King of kings, and that once there, He laid my brokenness aside and made me beautiful.
Scarred warrior princess at your service, my Lord.
Do you hear it?
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